Daniel Joachim Coster (b.c.1804)

Daniel J. Coster, of New York City

He was a younger son of one of New York's first five millionaires. He lived at 234 West 14th Street, New York City, and had an auction house, Hone & Coster. Former Mayor Philip Hone was a first cousin of his aunt, Mrs Magdalena Coster, and it was therefore likely that his business partner was also a cousin of sorts. In 1838, he built the Coster Mansion, then in Westchester County. In 1835, he married Julia DeLancey, whose father co-owned West Farms, Westchester County, with her uncle. Julia was a great-granddaughter of Stephen DeLancey. They had at least one son, Harry


John Gerard Coster

John G. Coster, Merchant, of the Brothers Coster, New York City


Catherine (Holsman) Coster

Mrs Catherine Margaret (Holsman) Coster



Julia DeLancey

Mrs Julia (DeLancey) Coster



Henry Arnold Coster

"Harry" Henry A. Coster, of the Coster Mansion & New York City


Associated Houses

Coster Mansion

Throgg's Neck, New York

Coster Mansion

579 Broadway, New York