Cornelius Curran Moore (1884-1970)

Cornelius C. Moore, of Newport, Rhode Island

He was born at and a lifelong resident of Newport, Rhode Island. On receiving his degree from the New York University Law School (1916) he established himself back in Newport specialising in estate and tax law. He was the Rhode Island delegate to the National Democratic Convention (1936 and 1940) and a member of the Rhode Island Democratic Executive Committee (1939-1945). He only held elective office once, as Chairman of the Newport City Council (1943-1946) and in 1951 he was appointed President of the Newport National Bank. He was well-known for his collection of Colonial silver from Newport and in 1950 he donated "Four Acres" (a house and land) on Ochre Point to Salve Regina College. He was unmarried and was survived by two sisters. 


John J. Moore

John J. Moore, of Newport, Rhode Island


Katherine M. Moore

Mrs Katherine M. Moore


Associated Houses

5 Touro Park West

Newport, Rhode Island