Augustus Harrison Drewry (1817-1899)

Major Augustus H. Drewry, of Westover Plantation, Virginia

He was born at his grandfather's plantation at Brandywine in King William County, Virginia. During the Civil War, he served as an officer with the 2nd Virginia Artillery and built the fort at Drewry's Bluff overlooking the James River where two major battles were fought. After the war, he bought and restored the Westover Plantation and served for many years as President of the Virginia Navigation Company and the Virginia Agricultural Society. He was married twice to Lavinia E. Anderson and then to Mary A. Harrison, a descendant of Pocahontas. He died without children from either marriage.


Lavinia Anderson

Mrs Lavinia E. (Anderson) Drewry


Mary Ann Harrison

Mrs Mary A. (Harrison) Drewry


Associated Houses

Westover Plantation

Charles City, Virginia