Asa Partridge Childs (1804-1878)

Asa P. Childs, Shoe Manufacturer, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

He was born in Upton, Massachusetts, and came to Pittsburgh with his family in 1817. He inherited the wholesale shoe manufacturing business started by his father and ran it with his brother, Harvey. Together, they owned several cotton mills, tanneries, and flour mills. Asa was a co-founder of the Third Presbyterian Church and a leader in the Whig and Republican parties. In 1827, he married Frances, daughter of the Rev. Joshua Bradley of Randolph, Massachusetts. They had nine children until she died in 1848. In 1851, he married Martha Howard with whom he had a further seven children, including Adelaide, the wife of the famous industrialist and art collector Henry Clay Frick. Asa retired to Pennsylvan his Greek-Revival residence outside Pittsburgh. 


Asa Childs

Colonel Asa Childs, Shoe Manufacturer, of Pittsburgh


Clarissa (Partridge) Childs

Mrs Clarissa (Partridge) Ide, Childs



Frances C. Bradley

Mrs Frances (Bradley) Childs


Martha Howard

Mrs Martha (Howard) Childs



Adelaide (Childs) Frick

Mrs Adelaide Howard (Childs) Frick


Associated Houses


Oakland, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Image Courtesy of the Frick Art Reference Library; Genealogy of the Child, Childs and Childe Families, of the Past and Present in the United States and the Canadas, from 1630 to 1881, by Elias Child