Arthur Romeyn Beck (1855-1881)

Lt. Arthur Romeyn Beck R.N., Died at Sea

He was born at Peterborough, Ontario. He entered the Royal Navy in 1869 on the flagship Royal Alfred at Halifax. He served on the Britannia, Bellerophon, and Ariadne on the Mediterranean station. He was gazetted Lieutenant in 1881 and was dispatched to the West Indies station on the Atalanta. In that ship he sailed to Portsmouth in June 1881, but it was never seen again, thought to have gone down with all hands mid-ocean. 


John Walton Romeyn Beck

The Rev. John W.R. Beck, Rector of St. John's, Peterborough, Ontario


Georgiana (Boulton) Beck

Mrs Georgiana (Boulton) Beck


Associated Houses

St. Leonard's Grove

Peterborough, Ontario