Anna (Eliot) Ticknor (1800-1885)

Mrs Anna (Eliot) Ticknor; Literary & Society Hostess, of Park Street, Boston

She married the academic George Ticknor and they lived in Boston on Park Street at the corner of Beacon. She is referred to in Cleveland Amory's The Proper Bostonians: "Mrs George Ticknor carried literary lionism to giddy heights when she set herself up in a home which had a parlor downstairs for the entertaining of nouveau writers and a library upstairs for the truly elect: 'I have never seen any society equal to what was there,' declares a commentator of the Ticknor salons, 'quiet cordiality shading off into degrees of welcome, high-bred courtesy in discussion and courtly grace of movement... greatly honored were those who had access to her house." The Ticknors had four children, two of whom (listed) survived to adulthood.  


Samuel Eliot

Retail Merchant of Boston & President of the Massachusetts Bank


Catherine (Atkins) Eliot

Mrs Catherine (Atkins) Eliot



George Ticknor

Academic & Scholar of Spanish Literature, of Boston, Massachusetts



Anna Eliot Ticknor

Pioneer of Education & Public Libraries, of Boston; died unmarried


Eliza Sullivan (Ticknor) Dexter

Mrs Eliza Sullivan (Ticknor) Dexter


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