Adam Winthrop (1498-1562)

Master of the Clothworkers Company & Lord of the Manor of Groton, Suffolk

He was born in Lavenham, Suffolk, and came to London in 1515 where he was apprenticed to a clothworker. He became a Freeman of the City in 1526 and successful in his trade. However, he was noted for being, "a little too enterprising for his own immediate good" and in 1543 he served time in the Fleet Prison, paying £600 for his release: "His offense was negotiating with foreigners contrary to an edict of the King of England". Despite the fine, in the following year (1544) he purchased the Manor of Groton, a church property seized by King Henry VIII. He was granted a coat of arms in 1548 and in 1551 he was named Master of the Clothworkers Company. 


Agnes (Sharpe) Mildmay

Mrs Agnes (Sharpe) Winthrop, Mildmay



Adam Winthrop

2nd Lord of the Manor of Groton, Suffolk
