Scotney Castle

Lamberhurst, Kent

The southern tower of the Tudor/Elizabethan "old" castle dates from 1370 while the Tudor-Revival "new" castle was completed in 1837. Scotney was the seat of the Darrell family for over 300 years but continued recusancy fines (fines for not attending/adhering to the Church of England, the Darrells being devout Catholics) forced them to sell in 1775 to a Mr Richards. Three years later he sold the estate to Edward Hussey (1749-1816) and it has remained in the Hussey family ever since....

This house is best associated with...

Edward Hussey

Edward Hussey III, J.P., D.L., of Scotney Castle, Kent


Christopher Hussey

Christopher Edward Clive Hussey, Architectural Historian


In 1837, his grandson, Edward Hussey III (1807-1894), built the "new" castle. It passed to the architectural historian Christopher Hussey (1899-1970) who was born here and from 1952 took up residence with his wife, Elizabeth, who for nine years had been the niece of Wallis Simpson when she was married to her mother's brother, Ernest Aldrich Simpson

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