
149 Elm Avenue, Beaconsfield, Quebec

Built in 1902, for Sir George A. Drummond (1829-1910) and his second wife, Julia Parker (1859-1942). It was designed by Drummond's cousin, Sir Andrew Taylor, and bore a close resemblance to Sir Montagu Allan's summer house at Cacouna, Montrose. He named it for the birthplace of his father and grandfather in Berwickshire, Scotland, and following the fashion set by the New York firm of McKim, Mead & White it was painted pale yellow with a white trim and the roof was "stained moss green"....

This house is best associated with...

Sir George Alexander Drummond

Sir George A. Drummond, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., President of the Bank of Montreal etc.


Julia (Parker) Drummond

Lady Grace "Julia" (Parker) Hamilton, Drummond


Guy Melfort Drummond

Captain Guy M. Drummond, of the Royal Highlanders of Canada; killed at Ypres


Mary (Braithwaite) Drummond

Mrs Mary Hendrie (Braithwaite) Drummond


Sir H. Montagu Allan

Lt.-Colonel Sir (Hugh) Montagu Allan C.V.O., of Montreal


Marguerite (Mackenzie) Allan

Lady Marguerite Ethel (Mackenzie) Allan


The 32-room house replaced an earlier one that Drummond had built here some years before. The new house was approached by, "a splendid avenue of blue spruce and alternating with horse chestnuts" that overlooked the Drummond's nine-hole golf course. The putting green was immediately in front of the house and below that was the rose garden. The 500-acre estate had its own train station for easy access to and from Montreal and near to the station house was a series of farm buildings for Drummond's imported cattle, Southdown sheep, and Buff Orpington hens. The lambs reared here supplied the Mount Royal Club in Montreal of which Drummond was president from 1899 to 1902.

The Canadian Architect and Builder noted that the entrance hall was 40-feet long and the elaborate interior was finished in white enamel and the walls were lined with "bright charming Morris papers". The tower was designed specifically to take in the view over Lake St. Louis. Drummond would enjoy his new home for just eight years. Two years after his death in 1910 his son, Guy Drummond, sold the 300-acres above the railway line that included the main house and farm buildings to Sir Montagu Allan who renamed it "Allancroft". The Drummond's retained the 200-acres along the river and this land remained in their family for several more decades until it was sold for development. 

Sir Montagu Allan established the Allancroft Dairy & Stock Farm here, but he sold up in 1922 after the collapse of the family-owned Merchant's Bank of Canada. The main house burned down in 1938 and the coach house was then moved to St.-Charles Boulevard to be used as a church but was eventually demolished due to lack of funds for its upkeep.  

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